Friday, December 6, 2019

Conceptual Framework of Financial Reporting -

Questions: 1. What is your firms tax expense in its latest financial statements? 2. Is this figure the same as the company tax rate times your firms accounting income? Explain why this is, or is not, the case for your firm. 3. Comment on deferred tax assets/liabilities that is reported in the balance sheet articulating the possible reasons why they have been recorded. 4. Is there any current tax assets or income tax payable recorded by your company? Why is the income tax payable not the same as income tax expense? 5. Is the income tax expense shown in the income statement same as the income tax paid shown in the cash flow statement? If not why is the difference? 6. What do you find interesting, confusing, surprising or difficult to understand about the treatment of tax in your firms financial statements? 7. What new insights, if any, have you gained about how companies account for income tax as a result of examining your firms tax expense in its accounts? Answers: Answer 1 The annual report of JB Hi-Fi Company has reflected that owners equity, contributed equity, reserve and retained earnings have been considered. However, in order to save the tax payment to government, company has planned to increase the debt portion in its balance sheet. Owners equity is divided into three specific parts (Bekaert and Hodrick, 2017). The stakeholders equity section of JB HI FI Limited Include Contributed Equity Reserve Retained Earning Contributed capital also called Paid in capital. It is the amount of cash and other assets that shareholder had given to the corporation in exchange for stock. Contributed capital is an element of the total amount of equity recorded by an organisation. It can be shown in separate account within the stake holders equity section of the balance sheet. However, with the increase in the income, company has been paying increased total tax payment throughout the time. The equity capital investment in JB Hi-Fi Company has been increasing throughout the time. This level of business functioning and increasing equity capital of JB Hi-Fi Company will decrease the financial leverage and risk associated with the capital solvency of company. In 2013, JB Hi-Fi Company had AUD $ 243 million investment which has increased by somewhere around 400% in 2017 and shown equity capital of company AUD $ 854 million throughout the time (Brigham and Ehrhardt, 2013). Reserves are the portion of the businesss profit which has been set aside to strengthen the businesss financial position. Reserve is often used to purchase fixed assets, to repay debts, to fund expansion, bonuses and dividend repayment. There can be two kind of reserve Capital reserve and Revenue reserve. The retained earnings of a corporation are the accumulated net income of the corporation that is retained by the corporation at a particular point of time such as at the end of the reporting period. Retained earnings is the amount which has not been paid by company as dividend but retain by company which would be plugged back in business ,to pay dept. or can be utilise to grab new opportunity in business world. Equity (Amount in dollar million) ($M) 2017 2016 Contributed equity 438.7 49.3 Reserve 33.7 27.1 Retained earning 381.6 328.3 Total equity 853.5 404.7 Answer 2 JB Hi-Fi Company s tax expense in its latest financial statements It is evaluated that tax is the amount of money which is paid by the JB Hi-Fi Company to government. It is charged on the profit earned by company. However, by evaluating annual report of JB Hi-Fi Company, it is considered that company has been paying high tax amount and did not use proper capital structure to reduce its tax payment throughout the time (Cucchiella, Gastaldi and Trosini, 2017). Particular(AUD $ in million) 2016 2017 Income tax expenses 86.8 65.6 This above given table shows that company has decreased its tax payment throughout the time. In 2016, company was paying AUD $ 86.8 million tax payment which went down by 20% in 2017 and resulted to payment of tax of AUD $ 65.6 million. It is considered that company has increased the debt portion and interest payment. However, company has increased the overall return in 2017 as compared to last year. At the same time, company has increased the interest payment and other tax deductible expenses which reduced the tax payment throughout the time. In addition to this, in 2016, JB Hi-Fi Company was having AUD $ 7.8 million differed tax amount which has been reduced to zero (Deresky, 2017). Answer 3 Tax rate figure of the JB Hi-Fi Company and its comparison with the tax deduction from the overall accounting income After evaluating the annual report of company it is considered that firms tax expenses shown in the balance sheet is not the same amount of tax rate times firms accounting income. JB Hi-Fi Company has paid tax expenses AUD $ 65.6 million in 2017 which includes deferred tax amount as well. On the other hand, company tax rate times firms accounting income would be charged with the amount of accounting income *30% tax rate i.e. 259*30%= AUD $ 77.7 million. The total tax differences between firms tax expense in its latest financial statements and the company tax rate times firms accounting income is AUD $ 12.1 million. Reason for the differences between firms tax expense in its latest financial statements and the company tax rate times firms accounting income is the inclusion of deffered tax in balance sheet and differences between the treatment of taxation amount as per the accounting income and taxations rules and regulation. The divergence between these two taxes arises due to two main reasons. First is related to differences between items of revenue and expenses shown in the profit and loss account and the items which are noted as revenue, expenses and deduction for tax purpose. For instance, Depreciation accounting, bed debts accounting, recording of donations in financial statement is different as per the accounting and income tax provision which is given in AASB-112. In accordance with the matching concept, taxes on incomes are accrued in the same period as the revenue and the amount of expenses to which they relates. Answer 4 Deferred tax assets/liabilities that is reported in the balance sheet Deferred Tax The annual report of JB Hi-Fi Company has reflected that in its latest financial statements deferred tax liabilities $8.2 million. Deferred tax should be recognised and carried forward only to the extent that there is a reasonably certainty that sufficient future taxable income will be available against which such deferred tax assets can be realised. Yes JB HI FI Limited is having deferred tax liabilities in the year 2017, which is shown in the liabilities side of the balance sheet. In current practice companies in general prepare books of accounts as per Corporation Act and AASB. Accounting income and taxable income prepared are seldom same and that is the reason behind creating DTA/DTL. If accounting income is higher than the taxable income then it will be shown in the deferred assets side and if it is lower than the taxable income then it will be shown in the deferred tax liabilities. For instance, if company find that due the different between accounting and income tax provisions, if company has charged higher tax on its revenue and as per the accounting rules and regulation then all the excess tax payment will be shown on the assets side of the balance sheet as deferred assets. On the other hand, if company has charged lower tax on its revenue and as per the accounting rules and regulation as compared to tax accounting frameworks then all the short tax payment will be shown on the balance side of the balance sheet as deferred liabilities. Deferred tax amount is shown in the liabilities side of balance sheet will be considered as there is chances of paying tax amount to government in the future. Particular (AUD $ million) 2017 2016 Deferred tax liabilities 8.2 0 Answer 5 Current tax assets or income tax payable recorded by your company, This is the amount of tax payment charged on the profit of company. The current tax payable by company is AUD $ 4.9 million in 2016 which went up to AUD $ 9 million in 2017 (Elad, 2016). YES there is income tax payable recorded by JB Hi-Fi company with the amount of AUD $ 9 million. The company report income tax expenses in its income statement while income tax payable is the actual amount that the company owes in taxes, based on the rule of tax code. It appears on the balance sheet as a liability until the company actually pays the tax bill. In addition to this, deferred tax payment of company is AUD $ 8.5 million which have not been recognized by the company in that particular year. Particular(AUD $ in million) 2016 2017 Income tax payable 4.9 9 Why income tax expenses is not same as the income tax payable It is considered that Income tax expenses charged on profit of current years which is paid only on the current year profit. On the other hand, Income tax liabilities is the accumulation of outstanding tax expenses which covers all the past, present and future tax implication on the business of JB Hi-Fi company. Income tax expenses is the component of the profit and loss account and on other hand, income tax payable is part of the balance sheet. Answer 6 Cash flow statement is accompanied with the cash inflow and outflow of money in the particular year. Amount paid for income tax shown in cash flow statement is $98.5 million which includes all the tax payment by the company in current year. It may include tax payment related to past present and future tax implication of the company. On the other hand, income tax payment shown in the profit and loss account is the tax expenses charged on the profit and loss of company for the current year. Nonetheless, tax expenses paid and recorded in the profit and loss of the company is done as per the income tax rules AASB-122. On the other hand, cash flow statement reflects the total amount of cash outflow of income tax expenses recorded in the CFS of company. Income tax expenses shown in income statement are $ 86.8 million hence it is not the same. Income statement of company reflects the income and expenses of company occurred in the particular year. This amount is shown in the financial activi ties of cash flow of business. Therefore, after seeing the financial statement of company, it could be inferred that income tax expense shown in the income statement is not same as the income tax paid shown in the cash flow statement due the payment of income tax related to particular year and charged on the profit to the same year (Kundakchyan and Zulfakarova, 2014). Answer 7 Treatment of tax in your firms financial statements JB Hi-Fi Company has recorded its entire tax amount which is charged on the revenue as revenue expenses and shown in its income statement. Interesting thing about the recorded its entire tax a mount It is evaluated that JB Hi-Fi Company has recorded its all tax expenses on the basis of following proper IFRS rules and GAAP standards. The interesting thing about the recording of income tax payment by company in its books of account is done by considering its future and present implication of tax payment on the business (Laudon and Traver, 2013). Surprising thing about the recorded its entire tax a mount The main surprising thing about the JB Hi-Fi Company is related to blockage of funds in its business. It is evaluated that company has blocked more funds in its deferred tax payment which may increase the overall cost of capital and reduce the capital blockage in its business. This JB Hi-Fi Company is proactive in managing the tax payment by following double taxation avoidance agreement. It is considered that if company makes payment to government then with the same time, company reduce its deferred tax liabilities. Difficulty to understand It is evaluated that JB Hi-Fi Company has establish harmonization in its IFRS rules and GAAP standards while recording of its tax payment. It is considered that due to the complexity of the accounting rules and cumbersome recording process, it becomes hard for the stakeholders to bifurcate deferred tax payment and simple tax payment. After evaluating the IFRS rules, I have considered that I know all the rules and recording of tax payment then I could easily identify the areas which company could focus to reduce its tax payment. In addition to this, on the basis of this information, I could easily determine whether company is following proper corporate governance policies and frameworks to increase its overall outcomes. This level of understanding will help me to identify all the pros and cons of paying tax payment to government and its impact on the business efficiency of company. There is several tax planning methods which company should follow to reduce its tax burden and increase the efficiency of the business. In addition to this, company could also use the deferred tax payment to reduce its tax burden throughout the time. References Bekaert, G. and Hodrick, R., 2017.International financial management. Cambridge University Press. Brigham, E.F. and Ehrhardt, M.C., 2013.Financial management: Theory practice. Cengage Learning. Cucchiella, F., DAdamo, I. and Gastaldi, M., 2015. Financial analysis for investment and policy decisions in the renewable energy sector.Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy,17(4), pp.887-904. Cucchiella, F., Gastaldi, M. and Trosini, M., 2017. Investments and cleaner energy production: A portfolio analysis in the Italian electricity market.Journal of Cleaner Production,142, pp.121-132. Deresky, H., 2017.International management: Managing across borders and cultures. Pearson Education India. 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